CONFERENCE : Medical Knowledge and its 'Sitz im Leben': BODY AND HORROR IN ANTIQUITY

"Medical Knowledge and its 'Sitz im Leben': BODY AND HORROR IN ANTIQUITY”, Kiel (18-20.11.2021)

List of speakers

Claire Bubb (New York University) At the Borders of Horror and Science: The Social Contexts of Roman Dissection

Sean Coughlin (Institute of Philosophy | Czech Academy of Sciences) Recipes for Horror

Maria Gerolemou (University of Exeter, UK) Heracles’ Automatic Body: Madness, Horror and Laughter in Euripides’ Hercules Furens

Lutz Alexander Graumann (University Hospital, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany) Overcoming Horror: Faintness and Medical Agents. Some Tentative Thoughts on Antiquity and Today

Sophia Luise Häberle (Humboldt Universität, Berlin) Naming the Monster: A Practice of Forensic Horror in Cicero’s Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino

Lutz Käppel (Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, Kiel University, Germany) Roots of Horror: Environment, Bodies, Societies

George Kazantzidis (University of Patras, Greece) Horror and the Body in Early Greek Paradoxography

Dunstan Lowe (Kent University, UK) Hot and Cold Blood in Lucan’s Civil War

Nick Lowe (Royal Holloway University of London, UK) A Terrible History of Classical Horror

Glenn Most (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy / Chicago, USA) The Horrific Body in Sophocles

Michael Puett (Harvard University) Demon Hordes and the Coming Apocalypse: The Limits of the Human in Chinese Late Antiquity

Alessandro Schiesaro (University of Manchester, UK) Apocalypse: Horror and Divine Pleasure

Rodrigo Sigala (independent, Germany) The Thrilling Forces Behind Horrific Experiences: A Neuroscientific Approach

Evina Sistakou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) The Visceral Thrills of Tragedy: Flesh, Blood and Guts Off and On the Tragic Stage Dimos Spatharas (University of Crete, Greece) Enargeia, Disgust and Visceral Abhorrence

Chiara Thumiger (Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, Kiel University, Germany)

Jesse Weiner (Hamilton College) Fearful Laughter: Bodily Horror in Roman Sexual Humour

The event, sponsored by the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS, will be hosted by the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, and will be both in person and on Zoom.

For practical details and updates, please contact the organisers: Chiara Thumiger (ROOTS, Kiel University, / George Kazantzidis (University of Patras,

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